Life integrated therapy
LIT method – life integrated therapy
The LIT method is unlike any other life coaching program , in that it addresses the eight areas of life that contribute to wellness.
We target, the body, mind, spirit soul and heart in a very holistic customized approach , as every client is unique to their own story and circumstance.
We know that no two people are alike
Take a look at this wheel and ask yourself which area best addresses your concern.
I believe through my 15 years of experience that at the root of emotional or physical pain is trauma.
Trauma isn’t so much what happens to us ….it’s what happens inside us
The trauma disregulates the nervous system leaving us in fight ,flight or freeze and this creates a feeling of disconnection from ourselves and our loved ones
Trust there is a way out of your own personal hell
I speak from my own experience because back in 2010, I went through my own personal hell and found my way back to my most vibrant version of me through this integarated approach.
I invite you, to trust your intuition….if this website has found you, there are no mistakes. Perhaps this is the very answer to your prayers. Please book a fifteen minute free consultation to discuss how the Lit method can support you, on this incredible journey called life.
Connect and Balance Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically Through Meditation
Contact Master Your Mind for our Meditation services today! Book your meditation and drug free therapy in Queens Quay either by calling us or filling out our contact form!